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Stock Super Thin Skin toupees in Shunfa Hair
Thin skin toupees are super natural looking hair pieces, very popular in European, American, Australian, etc. It can be made the thinnest 0.02 mm thickness, looks like people's natural skin. According to customers' requirements, the common thickness are 02-04mm, 04-06mm, 06-08mm, 08-10mm, 10-12mm, 12-14mm.
According to different knotting techniques, thin skin toupees can be divided into 3 types: injected knot, V-loop knot, and single knot.
1. Single knot
Single knot toupee is the most durable skin toupee. From the picture, you can see that the hair is tied on the skin base with a fast knot. This is very helpful to avoid shedding problem.
2. V-loop knot
V-loop knot toupee is very natural looking because in fact there's no knot on. From picture you know the hair penetrate into(not through) the skin in one point and goes out from another point, no knots at all.
3. Injected knot
Injected knot toupee is the most natural looking skin base toupee. The hair is just injected into the thin skin, no knots. Therefore it is easy shedding hair. But because of its super natural looking, it is super popular in the high-end market, such as Europe, America, Canada, Australia...
Every month we keep about 3000 thin skin pieces in stock for prompt shipping.
Any need of toupee, or any confusion questions about hairpiece, pls feel free to let me know. Email me