

Man Hair System

Shunfa hairFactory 
since 1993 
Mailing address: 
N0.19 Amsterdam Block ,TaiLiu Road #276 ,ShiBei District ,Qingdao, ShandongProvince,China

Top quality hair replacement system 

shaped and sized to match customers' unique balding pattern

It will be color matched, cut and style to blend

naturally with their own growing hair.

Super Thin Skin Injected Hair Toupee

The hair is injected into the skin , NO KNOTS, seeing the hair growing from the scalp and invisible knots available

Super Fine French/Swiss LaceToupee

Use single standing combined with a new knot concealing method to make knots appear invisible. Most invisible full lace hair system available

Silk Top LaceToupee

Real appearance hair is growing right from your scalp (No KNOTS, NONE). The only system in the world like this. The hair looks like it is coming right from your own scalp.But the cost is slightly more than any other systems.

If any need or question, please feel free to let me know.
WhatsApp: +86 18954231629


Various Pre-tipped/ Pre-bonded extensions?

  • What is Pre-tipped/ Pre-bonded hair extensions?
Pre-tipped hair extensions, also known as pre-bonded. At the ends of the extensions, there are "glue" tips which becomes sticky with the application of warmth. These extensions are applied by being glued to the existing hair. They can provide volume, extend hair, and add highlights or lowlights.

  • Different pre-tipped extensions

Flat tip extensions

  • What it is?
The extensions look like a small wisp of your own hair, but with a keratin-based dried "glue" at one end.

There are 2 kinds of tips for flat tip hair.


To  apply this flat tip extensions, you need heat or ultrasonic waves to fuse that keratin "glue" to your own natural hair.


This flat tip extensions’ applying uses no chemicals, glue or heat. You just need to use microbeads to clamp the hair extensions in place strand by strand.

  • Advantages of flat tip hair
1.  Laying  flat and smooth, spread the hair to a wider surface area, therefore can achieve quite the same level of overall lightness

2. Undetectable and natural looking

3. Allowing 360 degree movement without any worry of slippage

4. Chemical and glue free, less damage to hair.

I tip extensions

  • What is it?

I-Tipped hair extensions are also known as: shoelace tip, Flash Point and cold fusion. They are applied by using a pulling tool, either a hook or loop, which pulls the hair through a very small micro ring. The I-tip extension is then inserted into the micro ring. They are very popular for people who don’t want heat applied to their hair.

  • Advantages of I tip hair

1. Heat, chemical and glue free installation, no harm to your natural hair

2. Allows 360 degree movement

3. You can achieve more volume with I tip hair than other extensions, because I tip hair don’t lay flat against the hair and can be placed closer together.

4. Natural looking

Nail tip extensions

  • What is it?

Nail tip hair extensions are also called U tip extensions. They are pre-tipped with keratin and are applied to the client by using a professional hot hair extension iron. Completely melt the keratin with the hair extension iron so the keratin penetrates the clients hair, then roll with fingers.

  • Advantages of I tip hair
1. Can be installed on hair 3-4 inches long

2. Can be used close to the hairline because the keratin bonds are hardly noticeable

3. U-Tip is made of super keratin- the strongest keratin available

Micro ring extensions

  • What is it?

Micro ring hair extensions are considered to be one of the safest and quickest of the ring application methods. No glue, heat, bond or chemicals is used when attaching them on.

  • Advantages of Micro ring hair
1. Easy and quick to attach and remove

2. Rarely damage natural hair

3. Very natural looking. They become completely invisible once applied to the hair

  • Attention:

1. Do not get conditioner too close to the base of the extensions, otherwise the conditioner can lubricate the bead and cause the extensions to fall out.

2. Get to hair salon for maintenance after about 6 weeks since the initial application. Otherwise, the micro beads would come out of your hair when your natural hair growing longer.

Nano tip extension

  • What is it?

Nano tip extension is the smallest ring. It is slipped onto a strand of hair first, followed by the wire tipped virgin remy hair strand which is inserted through the back of the ring and clamped flat.


  • Advantages of Nano tip hair
1. Small and undetectable, very natural looking

2. No glue, heat, chemicals or braiding used, no harm to your natural hair

3. Can be applied in seconds, very time-saving.

After reading above info, I believe that you have a better knowledge of the pre-bonded extensions. If any confusion or need, please contact me freely.

Qingdao Shunfa Hair Factory
Whatsapp: +86 18954231629


What is 360 lace frontal/closure? How to wear it?

New Hair System 360 Lace Frontal/Closure, Natural Hairline with Bleached Knots

  • What is 360 Lace Frontal ?

  • 360 Lace frontal , it is not a wig. It allows you to cover the whole perimeter of the head. Once installed, you can do multiple styles without leaving any of your hair out. Ladies, who want to wear your owner hair in a high ponytail without feeling self conscious or having to cover edges?  with our 360 Lace Frontal!
    This will give a naturally beautiful, flawless hairline that actually looks like your hair.
    360 Lace Frontal not only gives you a new hairline around the face but follows your hairline all the way around, also in the back of the neck.

    • What is the advantages?

    1. It covers the entire perimenter 
    2. Very Natural hairline 
    3. Baby hair around the entire cap
    4. Can be part anywhere
    5. Allow you to wear high ponytails at ease
    6. Simply add your buneles in the middle
    7. With highest quality Swiss Lace/French lace
    8.Can be worn glueless
    9.Can be rocked like a lace wig 
    10.Can be used more than 3 years with good care 

    • How to apply it?

    After reading above info, I believe that you have a better knowledge of the 360 lace frontal. If any confusion or need, please contact me freely.

    Qingdao Shunfa Hair Factory
    WhatsApp: +86 18954231629


    Lady/women virgin remy hair wigs

    Wig system is a good method to solve women's hair loss. Generally there are three main material base for women's wig: lace base, mono base, silk lace base. Here I'd like to introduce 3 general type of caps-- full lace wig, lace front wig and mono top wig.

    1. Full lace wig

    Full lace wig is full hand tied hair system. It can be glueless wig and glue wig.
    There're usually has a part of stretch lace in the middle of the wig cap. Stretch lace is popular with the new lace wig wears because it ensures a perfect fit without adding any extra bulk. It is good use when you are not sure if your have measured your head correctly.

    2. Lace front wig

    Lace front wig is a half hand tied system which is lace base in front of head and machine-wefted at the back.
    The left above picture is lace front closed cap (there's a layer of cloth on back machine-wefted area to avoid hair back up through the spaces between the wefts like in open cap the right picture). The right above picture is lace front open cap (fit for people that live in hot environments).

    3. Mono top wig

    Mono top wig, like lace front wig, is also a half hand tied system, but it is hand tied mono base on top while lace front wig's hand tied part is lace base.
    Mono base is very durable and popular.
    It also includes closed cap and open cap like above pictures, mono hand tied on top, and machine-weft at back.

    For more info, please contact us freely!

    WhatsApp: +86 18954231629
    Nancy here will be glad to help you!


    Lace base toupee-- the best choice in Summer

    If you do lots of sports, and your scalp perspire easily, what kind of toupee/hairpiece will you choose? What kind of base would hold the best?
    It is absolutely true that the most breathable lace base toupee will be the best choice for you.

    1. Advantage of lace base

    Fully Breathable: it allows you perspire, shower, and have a clean scalp all the time.

    Natural hairline: individual strands of hair are placed into the hair base one strand at a time, normal transition from front hairline to sides and back. It appears more natural once you look at it.

    Bleached knots: allowing scalp to be seen without the visible appearance of knots

    2. Super base design
    3. Washing tips

    Simple tips to clean your lace front without damaging it.


    1.Use a widetooth comb to gently comb hair free of any tangles before washing.

    2. Don't put shampoo to hair directly but soak it in more water and flow your shampoo in the water is preferable.

    3. Use warm or cool water to wash your men hair piece. Hot water will wither and damage the hair.

    4. Choose soft and proper conditioner. Moisturize and hydrating conditioners make your hair more silky and glossy.

    5. Do not use hairdryer to blow hair, let it air-dry naturally in a shade.

    4. Contact info

    Click to see more lace base toupees.
    Send email to to get more information.